盛诺一家 您身边的海外医疗服务专家
时间:2021-05-12 编译:盛诺一家
患者: Katie Meacham
年龄: 25
病症: 淋巴瘤
就诊医院: MD安德森癌症中心

2008年年初,当Katie Meacham被诊断出患有霍奇金淋巴瘤的时候,她才25岁,她在纽约这座大都市里追逐着自己的梦想,享受着美好的青春时光。





Katie Meacham,患者
















目前美国好的癌症医院中排名在前的大部分医院如麻省总医院、安德森癌症中心、梅奥医院、纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心、约翰.霍普金斯医院 、克利夫兰医院、布列根-丹娜法伯癌症中心等均与中国大的海外医疗服务机构--北京盛诺一家医院管理有限公司建立了良好的合作关系,来自中国的患者可以顺利地通过盛诺一家的帮助,转诊到美国进一步诊断治疗。北京盛诺一家医院管理有限公司为中国客户赴美医、出国看病、美国哈佛医学专家远程咨询等提供快捷的国外专家预约、住院预约、辅助签证、医学资料收集、医学翻译以及海外陪同等去国外看病所需的全程服务。




After a wild ride, proton therapy pays off for Hodgkin survivor 

August 21, 2012

When Katie Meacham was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in early 2008, she was 25 years old and enjoying a tasty bite of the Big Apple. 

She had a good job with a large marketing firm in New York and a promising future in front of her. Then, during a trip to Buenos Aires, she noticed her feet were itching.

"It went away in a few days, but I started to realize I had been itching for a while," she says. "My arm had broken out in hives, my head had been itching and I itched when I got out of the shower."

Then she noticed a lump in her throat. Her mother was visiting and insisted on taking her to the doctor, which led to a CT scan and diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. She opted to be treated at a New York hospital, but two months into treatment, the cancer was found in another lymph node.

Big Apple to Lone Star

"The doctor said he had seen this happen only one other time," she says. "He said I would need a stem cell or bone marrow transplant."

Her family pulled together and quickly began researching the best place for treatment. After extensive research, they chose MD Anderson because it had performed the most procedures with the best results. 

At MD Anderson, Meacham had aggressive chemotherapy that put the cancer into complete remission, and then her stem cells were harvested. Another week of chemo followed before her stem cells were transplanted back into her body. 

"Those were dark days," she says. "Hurricane Ike hit Houston while I was in the hospital, and the day after I was released, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer."

Searching for one in 14 million

Meacham returned to work, certain the cancer was history this time. But her one-year follow-up PET scan showed it was back. It was time for a stem cell transplant from a donor. But of the 14 million people listed in the world-wide registry, not one person was a perfect match for her. 

Undaunted, Meacham and her family became advocates for stem cell donation. She appeared on national television and in New York newspapers. Her family tirelessly recruited donors, raised funds and raised awareness. They helped seven people find matches -- but still none existed for Meacham.

Instead, she began a clinical trial at MD Anderson. From September 2009 to March 2010, the cancer was in remission, but she knew it was temporary. Then someone mentioned proton therapy.

Proton therapy delivers hope

"We weighed all the pros and cons and were very optimistic about proton therapy," Meacham says. "It was promising, had minimal side effects and wouldn't shut any doors for future treatment if I needed it."

She had 30 treatments during the course of six weeks. From beginning to end, each daily session took about 30 minutes. She has shown no signs of cancer since her proton therapy treatment ended in March 2010.

Since her therapy, Meacham has completed three half-marathons and is training for the New York City Marathon. She's working again, traveling every chance she gets and has moved to Chicago, where she continues building the career she'd started when this all began.

"I like to share my story and let people know to never give up hope," she says. "Focus on what's best for your journey. It's important to talk to other people and to be informed, but everyone's situation and disease are different."


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